Monday, September 8, 2014

rain, hail and a baptism

Hi!!! How is everyone?? Well I dont have much this week, but there is some good stuff. Its been raining and hailing every day here! And everyone gets so scared its so funny. anyways...

  First of all, we got this referencia from a member of another ward so we went and visited her on Tuesday. Her name is Ana and she is 24. SO cute!! Anyways, we started talking to her and she told us how she told her cousin she would go to church with him one time, but just once. But she loved it so much that she said she wanted to meet with us and come back again!! She even told us that that morning she went out and bought three skirts to keep coming!! I asked her what made her want to come back and she said that she just felt this peace and love there and wanted more. I then explained to her about the Holy Ghost and how we can tell if we are feeling His influence and how she can feel more. Then, the coolest thing. She opened up to us about her life and she asked us not to tell anyone, but it was amazing. It was our first time meeting her and she told us something that absolutely no one knows and she is scared of anyone knowing. It was such an amazing spirit there in that room. It was exactly what me and my comp needed and by the end we were all in tears together. I love Ana already. Keep her in your prayers! I wish I could say more, its kinda hard to be able to understand, but just pray for her!! But I know that we were sent to her. She needed us Hermanas to open up to and now we are really going to be able to help her. I am so excited!!

  Second, ELMER GOT BAPTIZED!!!! FINALLY!!!! Oh my it doesnt feel real!!! It has taken a LOT of hard work to get him to this point, but I am so happy. And he is so happy!!! His inactive sister came for the baptism and after she told us that she wants to come back to church. Now Nilton said he will be baptized. Thaira has a date for the 13th this month, the mom, Gala is really thinking about it, and the dad said that when he gets back from his travels in December he will be baptized!! his exact words where "December will not go by without me being baptized" WHAT?!?! It was like a domino effect!!! I am so so so happy!!! We visited the family last night and talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then I told them that baptism is just the door to the real goal, the temple and there was such a sweet spirit and then Gala said "I want my family to be able to go to the temple together" Oh my. This was one of the happiest moments. We also found out that before, Elmer was Athiest and we helped him belive in God and that Ever used to be so mean to the missionaries when they would knock on their door and would reject them so hard, but he let us right in. He said he was praying and wanted a different life and then we came. I am speechless. God is so powerful. Their hearts and lives have completely changed thanks to this perfect, powerful, and TRUE gospel.

  I know this church is true more than ever before. I know my testimony has strengthened so much. I have a lot more to go and a lot more to learn, but now that I will be hitting 6 months, I have reflected on how far I have already come and I am grateful for this opportunity. The gospel changes lives. I know for asurety that God and Jesus Christ live and we will one day live with them again if we do our part. Hang on to the iron rod with all that you have, and keep going forward. Hold on to the truth, it will lead and guide you through the darkness.

  I love you all. Seguir adelante con FE

Hermana Hunter

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